Strength Treadmill Workout #2

Strength Treadmill Workout #2

Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it.

--Winston Churchill

For this workout, you only need a Spartan Pancake near your treadmill.* Don’t worry about it being heavy. 20-40 lbs is more than enough. The goal is to execute perfect form until you’ve mastered the movement.


5 minutes run gradually increasing intensity.

10 Burpees

Main Set:

Run 4 minutes (slow to moderate pace)

10 Deadlift to Upright Row w/Pancake

10 Pancake Slams

10 Front Arm Raises

10 Squats w/Pancake

Repeat 3-8 times.

Cool Down:


*Getting on and off a treadmill can be dangerous so be careful. It’s more important that you do this carefully than it is that you do this fast. You can keep the treadmill running if you want, but we always suggest that you pause your workout and safely get on and off.