Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 28 - Mind

Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 28 - Mind

You’ve made it, Spartans. These past 28 days have been a grueling test of your grit and determination. Whether you followed this program to coincide with a Spartan Race Stadium Series race, or you used it as a building block towards future races, you are moving to your next training program stronger in both body and mind. Good job.

For today, find a quiet, comfortable spot to sit with your thoughts. Meditate and journal about where you have come throughout these last 28 days of training. You’ve come a long way.

Want more mindful recovery? Check out these awesome Spartan Life articles.

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While you’re resting, do not forget to prepare yourself for the upcoming week. Use this day to try out some Spartan Kitchen recipes for this week’s meal prep. Make sure you have your nutrition on point, Spartan. Tomorrow, we start building greater strength and greater endurance. We will be adding mileage as we progress each exercise from these last 28 days.