Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 12 - Power

Stadium Sprint Training Plan: Day 12 - Power

As we progress through this week’s Strength Endurance training, our plan for today is to build strength while continuing to work power. All weight will increase, and the reps will again decrease. In a power phase, repetition schemes will mimic those of a strength phase. Push yourself with this training today. Grab a significantly heavier weight, if you can. Make your box taller. Try combining your Jumping Pull Ups with your Burpees. This is your workout. Make it enjoyable and challenging for you.


Dynamic Warm Up

Main Set: 

This workout is designed to be done as a circuit with minimal rest between exercises. Take a 2-5 minute rest between each round of exercises for maximum performance benefits.

KB/ Pancake Clean - 5 sets of 5 reps (RPE 9)

  • How: Start in your deadlift position, drive through your hips while pulling the weight to chest level and absorb the weight in a squat. This will teach you how to flip a tire and pick up a bucket or atlas stone.

Box Jumps/ Squat Jumps - 5 sets of 12 reps (RPE 9)

Lateral Pancake slams - 5 sets of 5 reps (RPE 9)

Power Push Ups - 5 sets of 12 reps (RPE 9)

  • Beginner: Try these on an incline
  • Advanced: Add a clap at the top or try hopping onto yoga blocks/ a low step.

Vertical Pancake Toss - 5 sets of 5 reps (RPE 9)

  • Ice Skaters - 5 sets of 12 reps (RPE 9)
  • Advanced: Try this on a slide board or in your socks on a slippery surface.

Jumping Pull Ups - 5 sets of 5 reps (RPE 9)

  • Tip: Use the jump to propel you to the top of the pull up then control as gravity pulls you down. This will build strength for a bodyweight pull up and it is the basis for every time you jump over a wall!

Burpees - 5 sets of 12 reps (RPE 9)

Cool Down

Pull out your favorite Acumobility SPARTAN Ball or Acumobility SPARTAN Eclipse Roller. Spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes on each muscle, depending on tightness. Everybody’s body adapts differently to power training. Familiarize yourself with your personal aches and soreness. Use this soreness and body aches as a guide to find the right muscle groups to release.

Ready for tomorrow?

Spartan Stadium Sprint Plan: Day 13

Start Stadium Sprint Training Plan from the beginning? 

Spartan Sprint Training Plan: Day 1

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