The Unbreakable Mother's Day Workout, Plus 5 Expert Tips to Keep Busy Moms in Peak Shape

The Unbreakable Mother's Day Workout, Plus 5 Expert Tips to Keep Busy Moms in Peak Shape

Dania Al-Mahruqy lives in Muscat, Oman, and is the proud mother of Ilyas, 7, and Yara, 5. (Ilyas is a Spartan "freak," his mom claims, who destroys all of the obstacles that are set up around the house.) A NASM CPT, L1 SGX coach, and Spartan brand ambassador, Dania is the epitome of a badass Spartan mom.

To celebrate Mother's Day, she shared one of her go-to workouts, as well as five tips for busy, hardworking moms to get in (and stay in) incredible shape.

The Spartan Pancake HIIT Workout

This Spartan Pancake workout focuses on your upper body. It's easy to follow and doesn't require much space, and the burn is real. You don't need a heavy pancake; 10 pounds for women and 15 pounds for men is more than enough. The workout, though only lasting approximately 35 minutes, will leave you dripping.

Related: The Pancake Conditioning Workout to Challenge Your Core

Perform each move for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Do a total of three rounds, and rest 30 seconds between rounds. Don't forget to warm up before the workout and stretch right after.

The Moves

Do each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Perform three rounds, and take 30 seconds between rounds.

Jumping Jacks

Over-the-Shoulder Toss

Chest Press With Flutter Kicks

Walking Lunges With Press Out

Overhead Pancake Throws


Squat With Side-to-Side Shoulder Press

Bear Crawl Pancake Drag (Back and Forth)

Push-Ups With Lateral Pancake Drag

Russian Twist

Biceps Curl

High-Knee Twists

More: A 20-Minute Pancake Workout With Throws and Slams

5 Essential Tips for Mothers to Get in (and Stay in) Peak Shape

Tip #1: Make Time for Yourself

Block out time for yourself every day of the week, even if it's just for an hour a day. By doing so, you can easily get a workout in/do your hair and nails/meditate/etc. without having to feel guilty.

Tip #2: Set Goals, and Create a Plan to Achieve Them

This might mean hiring a personal trainer or following an online program. The key is to have a properly designed, customized program in which the workouts are progressive, and you strategically work toward your goals.

Tip #3: Eat a Balanced Diet

Don't reject food groups. (Unless, of course, you have dietary or religious restrictions.) "I never stop myself from occasionally indulging my sweet tooth — in moderation, of course," says Al-Mahruqy.

This helps you develop a healthy relationship with food, and thus not lose control and make better food choices. "My plate usually consists of 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs, 1/2 of salad or vegetables, and some form of fat," she explains.

Tip #4: Keep Track of Your Progress

Choose a method for keeping track of your progress and commit to it. It can be in the form of taking weekly progress photos or measurements. Consistency is key. Seeing your progress motivates you and reaffirms that you are responsible for achieving your gains (or losses).

Tip #5: Self-Love Is CRITICAL

"I can't stress the importance of self-love enough," says Al-Mahruqy "We are all going through this struggle, and it's OK. At the end of the day, you are the most beautiful, badass mother to your kids."

One way to help with self-love is to write down five things you love about yourself, without repeating anything. You will be surprised by what you come up with, and by how powerful this exercise can be.

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