Master This Couples Strength Workout to Crush V-Day Spartan-Style

Master This Couples Strength Workout to Crush V-Day Spartan-Style

It’s no secret: strong is sexy. And for this first Valentine's Day of the decade, we're all about co-workouts with our partners. Not only can working out with your significant other bolster your health, but also it creates more intimacy across the board. (Think: when you spot each other at the gym, there's a huge trust factor involved that can translate to other areas of your life.) We asked Jordan Syatt, CEO of Syatt Fitness and former world champion powerlifter (who bagged lifting 4X his own bodyweight) for his favorite go-to couples strength workout. Because couples who sweat together, stay together. You're welcome. 

Related: Celebrate Valentine’s Day The Spartan Way: Try This Couples Gym Workout

Powerlift Your Way Through V-Day: Couples Strength Workout

Couples Strength Workout deadlifting

The following powerlifting workout taps the iron-clad wisdom of how Syatt trained during his days as a competitor. That means it focuses on a very small number of heavy barbell movements. Syatt added two non-powerlifting moves to round it out so it should be enjoyable — and challenging — for you both.    

Some exercises will require you to spot for your partner. Note that when spotting, you’re not lifting the weight yourself — the lifter is still providing 90% of the force, with only 10% coming from the spotter.  Therefore, there’s no need to be concerned if one partner is way stronger than the other.

Related: Power Workout: Lift Longer and Get Stronger

Alternate sets between partners: have one person do a set, then the second do a set, then back to the first person. Rest 1 minute between sets.

A1) Squat

4 sets of 5 reps

B1) Bench Press

3 sets of 5 reps

B2) One-Armed Dumbbell Row

3 sets of 5 reps per arm

For B1 & B2, person A benches and rows. Then person B benches and rows.  

C1) Deadlift

3 sets of 6 reps

C2) Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press

3 sets of 6 reps

For C1 & C2, person A does both exercises, then person B does both exercises. With the deadlift, watch the video carefully to make sure your technique is on point, and when in doubt, err on the side of using a lower weight.

The Bottom Line: Couples Strength Workout

Strong is sexy. Lifting together is a great way to strengthen your relationship and help each other stay committed to taking care of your health. So hit the gym and then go out and celebrate Valentine's Day — you've earned it.

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