8 Exercises For Incredible Grip Strength
From endurance to strength to precision, most athletes’ performance will improve with an increase in grip strength. After all, at one point or another, sports involve holding onto something. In the sport of obstacle course racing, grip strength can be the deciding factor between winning or losing a race, as many obstacles require hanging from or traversing difficult structures.
Exercises For Incredible Grip Strength
During a Spartan Race, your grip strength will be tested on obstacles such as the Multi-Rig, Rope Climb, Farmer’s Carry, Tyrolean Traverse and Monkey Bars. Regardless of your body weight, the muscles of the back, arms, hands, shoulders, and core all contribute to successfully being able to hold on to or squeeze things. That said, the important factor with these muscles aren’t their size–it’s their strength and endurance—and although sometimes bodybuilders may be able to muscle their way through rigs without any grip training, it’s best to prepare your body for high grip demands to avoid failing obstacles and prevent injury. Try these eight exercises to improve grip strength and never fail a Spartan obstacle again. (Plus, these moves will boost your other gym lift numbers too.)1. DUMBBELL FARMER’S WALK WITH TOWEL
How to Do It: This exercise requires two small towels (For example: 14 inches wide and 22 inches in length). Loop one towel around the handle of each dumbbell and hold onto the end of each towel while standing upright with shoulders back. Walk 25-50 yards around your gym floor or outdoors. You can also use weight plates for this exercise. If the plate has more than one opening, such as a top and middle hole, loop the towel through the top opening and hold onto it from there. A longer towel may be required to loop through the center hole of a 25-, 35-, or 45-pound weight plate.2. DEAD HANG
How to Do It: Grip a pull-up bar or any sturdy overhead structure with a pronated (overhand grip). Slightly elevate the scapula to engage your core and activate the back muscles. Hang from the bar as long as possible. Aim for 15 seconds, then 30, 45, and 60 seconds. Once you’re able to hang for 60 seconds, you can get creative and move your hands horizontally during the hang, traversing from side to side on the bar.3. FAT GRIPZ DUMBBELL CURL
These grip-enhancing tools can be used for a variety of strength training exercises, but using the Fat Gripz on a dumbbell curl works your biceps and forearms at the same time. How to Do It: You can use a Fat Gripz, Harbinger Big Grip or any branded rubber tool that adds thickness to a barbell or dumbbell or this exercise. Place one Fat Gripz over the handle of each dumbbell, and hold each dumbbell using a supinated (palms facing forward) grip. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and shoulders back, curl the dumbbells to chin height, keeping the wrists flat and palms up the entire time. Return hands to starting position. That’s one rep.4. BARBELL SHRUG
You can shrug a straight barbell, a trap bar, dumbbells, or even a machine to increase grip strength, but the barbell shrug is the exercise you should definitely incorporate into your strength and conditioning routine for better grip.How to Do It: Hold a barbell using a pronated (overhand) grip at shoulder-width in front of your hips with arms straight. Stand holding the barbell with your shoulders back and head facing forward. This is the starting position. Keeping your arms straight, raise your traps and shoulders towards the ceiling, and pause for three seconds. Then, return the weight to the starting position. When the weight gets heavy, you can use weightlifting straps to keep the bar from rolling out of your hands.