12 Days of Fitness: Super Spartan Training Plan: Day 2 - HIIT

12 Days of Fitness: Super Spartan Training Plan: Day 2 - HIIT

You've heard of the 12 Days of Christmas. Well this is the 12 Days of Fitness. Each day we're revealing another Spartan-approved workout for the holiday season and new year. Click here to see all of the workouts.

The Spartan Super is the mid-length race in the Spartan Trifecta. You now not only need to be able to run from obstacle to obstacle, but you need to be able to keep your heart rate elevated for longer mileage. Training starts today with this Spartan HIIT workout.

Continuing on to build from our Spartan Race Stadium High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) program, we will continue to alternate intervals of sprinting and resting, but we will add in a new moderate interval as well. This will allow you to build a stronger aerobic base while also learning to function at multiple exertion levels.

Related: 7 Benefits of HIIT That Will Make You a Stronger Athlete

As with our previous HIIT workouts, have fun with these intervals. High intensity interval training is not limited to a treadmill/ run or bike. Have you tried jumping rope during your HIIT? Maybe today is the day that you give it a go.

The Spartan HIIT Workout for Super OCR Races


Dynamic Warm Up

Main Set

5 minute jog (6-7 RPE)

20 Rounds:

  • :30 Sprint (9 RPE)
  • :30 Jog (6-7 RPE)
  • :30 Rest (0-3 RPE)

Finishing with one final sprint interval.

2-minute cooldown jog (7 RPE)

*Sprint and Jog is a relative term. Perform any cardio that can be done at as a sprint and as a steady state level. On your rest, you can come to a complete rest or you can challenge yourself to maintain a walk/ slow pace.

Cool Down

Pull out your favorite Acumobility SPARTAN Ball or Acumobility SPARTAN Eclipse Roller. Spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes on each muscle, depending on tightness. Depending on what form of HIIT you did, your muscle tightness may vary. Use soreness and body aches as a guide to find the right muscle groups to release.

Amp up your fitness and wellness routine NOW. Click here to find a Spartan Race close to you!