The Ice Man Wim Hof Embraces Life Fully

The Ice Man Wim Hof Embraces Life Fully

The Ice Man, Wim Hof, is crazy for life. He embodies Spartan values: becoming comfortable being uncomfortable, changing your point of reference, and finding your true north with passion. Not surprisingly, he shares Joe’s enthusiasm for cold showers, though he suggests to start with a 30 second one. His methods are unique even as his message is conventional. Still it cannot be stressed enough: Nature is our ultimate mentor. If this is the first time you’re hearing Wim Hof’s theories, prepare for a rush.

Lessons 1. Real comfort is achieved through gradual exposure to the elements and letting the body adapt.
 2. Breathe fully and believe you are the master of yourself.
 3. You need to optimize both your body and mind to reach your true potential. One doesn’t work effectively without the other.

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Credits Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, and Col. Tim Nye. Synopsis – Matt Baatz