Stop Setting Insane Goals | Spartan Mind #14

Stop Setting Insane Goals | Spartan Mind #14

Being smarter about goals is a solution to how to gain confidence.

Setting goals is an important way to keep us accountable to the dreams and desires that we have for ourselves. Goals are an effective way to keep us on track and give our movement structure. Sometimes, however, we fall into the trap of setting insane goals— goals that are unreasonable for our current position and end up hurting us in the long run. Pushing yourself is important but you have to set goals that are achievable so that you gain confidence and keep moving in the right direction. 

You want the work you need to do to complete goals to be tough. But here's the thing: Being consistent with a more doable workload, one that you can execute consistently, is going to produce far greater results than if the daily tasks overwhelm your schedule and ability and you fall into the hole of inconsistency. Inconsistency is a first step toward giving up altogether.

Rather, break up your goals into small, relatively easy to execute tasks. Especially at the beginning. Knocking these out will not only move you closer to the completion of a goal or project, but give you a sense of momentum and belief that will power you for a long haul.

How to Gain Confidence Through Reasonable Goals

  • Be realistic about what you are capable of when you set a new goal.
  • Set yourself up for success by setting goals that are tough but reasonable.
  • Remember that each time you succeed in meeting a smaller goal it will add up and get you closer to your larger goal.


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Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Dr. Lara Pence

Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence

© 2018 Spartan