Do the Impossible

Do the Impossible

What's your take on the impossible?

Here's part of mine: I’ve banned two things from our Spartan Race headquarters in Boston: soda and the word “can’t.”

One kills people, and the other kills businesses. You can’t do the impossible if you’re focused on obstacles. There’s an old saying that crazy is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. If you want to do the impossible, something big, something that will rock your world—and might even change the world for the rest of us—you’ve got to start where you’ve never started before.

When we created Spartan, I wanted to help people find their untapped potential, but I had never done anything like that before. I had to define it in terms of possibilities, not obstacles, and try things I’d never done.

Today, people sign up for Spartan races to achieve what’s impossible for them. Millions have achieved their dreams, including cancer survivors, wounded warriors, special needs individuals, and even grandparents. All have climbed walls, crawled through mud, and made it across the finish line.

So how do you carry the Spartan attitude past the obstacle course? How do you infuse your impossible dream with the Spartan spirit? Here are some ideas:

Step 1: To Do the Impossible, Focus Beyond the Finish

Rather than thinking of all the reasons you might fail at doing the impossible, think of what your next step will be after you succeed. Thinking past the finish line can help you attack the problem from a different perspective—and boost your confidence.

Step 2: Remember That Time You Sucked

I know, I just told you to think about what would happen after you succeed and this is just the opposite of that, but hear me out. I’m not telling you to feel sorry for yourself; what I want you to do is to break down why things didn’t work during your previous attempts. What do you need to do to eliminate those problems?

Step 3: Invent a New Tool

Limited thinking never solved anything. Let’s say you want to provide clean drinking water to every child in Africa. What would you need to invent to make this possible? By visualizing the tools required, you’ve put yourself one step closer to creating them.

Step 4: Surround Yourself with Allies

Tackling big jobs requires backup; no one person can do everything. You need support if you’re going to accomplish the impossible. You’ll need people to cheer you on, analyze your ideas, ramp up your creativity, and help you scale that wall.

Step 5: Give Some of It Away

We’re really into charitable giving here at Spartan, which is why we started the Spartan Foundation. Generosity, whether it’s with time, supplies, money, contacts, ideas, or anything else fosters connections. Working together for a common cause can achieve great, even miraculous, things.

Live Spartan. Download the Spartan Way of Life E-book