Your Unbreakable Day: Joe's Wake-Up Call, An At-Home Workout, and a Delicious Detox Smoothie
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During this period of uncertainty, Spartan wants you to stay focused, stay strong, and stay motivated. We want you to become UNBREAKABLE. Every day on Spartan Facebook and this page, we're featuring new workouts, healthy recipes, mental health advice, and wisdom from our fearless founder and CEO. When it's all said and done, you will have dominated this difficult period, and you'll be ready to dominate out on the course.
Check back daily for more updates, and follow this UNBREAKABLE plan to train, eat, and think like a Spartan.
Early Morning: Wake Up, Spartans! Joe De Sena Would Like a Word
Wake up, Spartans! Spartan CEO and founder Joe De Sena is up and at 'em bright and early to kick off the #BeUnbreakable campaign. Just because you're home, or your life has briefly turned upside down, we don't want you sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. You need to stay focused and stay strong, and THIS is how to do it! (Plus, a Q&A answering some of your burning questions.)
Mid-Morning: A Delicious Detox Smoothie for Brunch
Morning fuel, anyone? If you're going to be working from home, you need to stay energetic throughout the day. This detox recipe — consisting of kale, apples, pineapples, peeled ginger root, peeled turmeric root, bananas, maca powder, almond milk, ice, and athletic greens — is LOADED with antioxidants and nutrients. And just as importantly, it tastes GREAT. Watch the video below for recipe instructions.
Training Session 1: Improve Your Running Technique
You've had your morning motivation and your detox smoothie — now it's time to train. Our first workout, brought to you by SGX coaches Lawrence and Kellie Sikorski, will boost your trail game.
Training Session 2: At-Home Full-Body Workout
Our second workout — yes, you're doing two-a-days because you have the time — comes from Spartan Director of Training Sam Stauffer. Follow along as Sam guides you to glory in his apartment.
Afternoon: Exercise Your Mind With Dr. L
Are the uncertainties and (seemingly constant) bad news overwhelming you? We understand. Dr. Lara Pence, our Spartan Chief Mind Doc and a licensed clinical psychologist, helps you understand whats happens to your mind and body when you're feeling overwhelmed, and offers solutions for how to overcome such troublesome emotions.
Tune into Spartan Facebook tomorrow — and continue to visit Life.Spartan and our main Unbreakable page — for daily workouts, recipes, tips, videos, and more.