How to Make Easy, Healthy Breakfast Cookies for Your Kids
For Spartans and their families, breakfast and cookies usually don't belong in the same sentence. But when it comes to our kids eating healthy and being happy, we're not ones to give up. So we tapped Rachel Wyman, founder of Montclair Bread Company, a mom of three, and a triathlete. Though she's mainly known for making insanely addictive donuts and bread, Wyman definitely knows a thing or two about making sure her kids are fueled with the nutrition they need, especially since they're always on the go. And who doesn't want to eat breakfast cookies?! She shared her recipe for these tasty, healthy treats that you can eat in the morning — but let's be honest, in the afternoon and at night, too.
Related: How Real Spartan Parents Keep Kids Eating Healthy During Quarantine
Recipe for Easy, Healthy Breakfast Cookies
What you need:
Mixing bowl
Food processor or mixer
Measuring cup
Rolled oats
Sliced almonds
Whole wheat flour
Vegetable oil
Maple syrup
Jam or other filler, such as Nutella
Step 1: Combine the rolled oats and sliced almonds in a food processor and blend until it forms a fine grind of flour.
Step 2: Combine the whole wheat flour (or rye or spelt) with the salt and cinnamon. Stir to combine.
Step 3: Mix the vegetable oil (or alternative like coconut oil) with the maple syrup or agave. Then stir altogether.
Step 4: Work the mixture with your hands, kneading it to make a ball with your hands.
Step 5: Fill a baking sheet with tablespoon-size balls of the dough, placing your knuckle in the center to create a divot.
Step 6: Put your jam or other filling into a pastry icing dispenser and fill the divots.
Step 7: Bake the cookies for 8 minutes at 350 degrees, making sure they stay soft.
That's it! These cookies can last in an airtight container for a few weeks, but we bet they won't last for long in your house.