This Is the Year of Transformation, and We Want to Hear YOUR Spartan Story

We’ve been saying it for years, but it bears repeating with a new year underway: Spartan is about much more than obstacle course races, plant-based diets, and burpees. (Yes, we do love all of those, and urge you to incorporate them into your daily routine.) Spartan, at its core, is about transformation, about changing lives, about becoming a new person.

Nothing gives us greater pleasure than seeing and hearing how Spartan helps people become better human beings. And make no mistake: We hear lots of stories. So many, in fact, that we’ve had trouble telling them all. This year we plan to change that. This is the Year of Transformation for Spartan, and we want to hear your story. This year is about you.

Related: Former Marine Kevin Shephard Races to Raise Awareness of EDS

From now until the end of 2020, we’re going to tell 2,020 Spartan transformation stories that will keep you inspired, motivated, and believing. No transformation story is too small. Whether you’ve lost 300 pounds or have gone 100 days without oversleeping, we want to hear about it. Each week, we’ll feature a new story highlighting a Spartan transformation. Want to share your story? Post your photos and videos — we LOVE photos and videos! — on our Instagram page and include the #SpartanTransformation hashtag, or submit your stories on our Spartan Transformation homepage (coming soon).

Related: How Jose Cordero Went From 550-Pound Patient to 220-Pound Spartan

You’ve already sent us over 8,000 transformation stories, and we’ve picked out some of our favorites to get you in the transformative spirit. We can’t wait to see yours! Happy New Year and Happy Transformation!

Amp up your fitness and wellness routine NOW. Click here to find a Spartan Race close to you!