What Drives Runners to Run 3100 Miles Around a Block in Queens?
Why humans are drawn into the fold of ultra-running has been explored in detail in several books (one that is about 1000 pages long). Those that first come to mind are Tim Noakes’ Lore of Running where the exercise physiology and both historic and current training practices are combed through in-PhD level detail.
Then there are the books like Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner that speak more to the personal reasons why a successful marketing professional who is celebrating his 30th birthday decides to set his birthday drink down at the bar and run from San Francisco to Half-Moon Bay.
The elephant in the room—beyond the how and initial why—when it comes to ultra-endurance is the spiritual dimension. Why does a world champion triathlete like Mark Allen feel compelled toward Ironman and similarly be compelled toward adopting the shamanistic ways of the Huichol Indians?
A new film, 3100: Run and Become, is a new documentary directed by Sanjay Rawal that sets out to capture the very impulse that drives some to run 3100 miles around a city block in Queens.
“The most elusive, elite multi-day race in the world, the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race, takes place in Queens, New York City each summer. This race is held around one square sidewalk block (0.56 miles) and requires at least 59 miles a day for 52 straight days to complete the event.”
Current and upcoming screenings below.
For more dates and theater info, go here.
Denver — Sept 14-20
Portland — Until Sept 20.
Chicago — Sept 21-27
Tahoe City — Sept 29-30
Bellingham — Sept 29-Oct 1
NYC — 10/26-11/1
More about the film:
What would you do to transform your life? How far would you go for a metamorphosis? Would you drive, would you fly, would you run?
The most elusive, elite multi-day race in the world, the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race, takes place in Queens, New York City each summer. This race is held around one square sidewalk block (0.56 miles) and requires at least 59 miles a day for 52 straight days to complete the event.
The Race promises personal expansion and, indeed, participants come from around the world to shatter their limitations and discover a deeper sense of self. At the same time, the act of running to transform oneself is as old as time. Ancient man and woman ran not just for survival, but to connect with Nature and the Divine.
We follow Aspirants of the Highest from three cultures whose own narratives parallel that of two 3100 Mile Runners – a diminutive paperboy from Finland, Ashprihanal Aalto, and a female cellist from Austria, Shamita Achenbach-Koenig. These three heroic Aspirants (Shaun Martin-Navajo, Gaolo-San Bushmen, Gyoman-san-Monks of Mt. Hiei Japan) run not for glory but for spiritual enlightenment, universal oneness or because they simply have the responsibility to run.