Single Leg Reach: Workout of the Day Featured Exercise

Single Leg Reach: Workout of the Day Featured Exercise

We run, climb and march one leg at a time, therefore it is crucial that we train for single leg strength to optimize our performance. This is why you should always take the time to work on each of your legs individually. The Single Leg Reach will develop strength and stability of your posterior chain by building strength in your hamstrings and gluteus muscles while developing single leg stability.

How to Perform a Single Leg Reach

When doing a Single Leg Reach, focus on keeping a flat back (neutral spine). Keep your weight in your heel and hinge at the hip. This is a hip dominant exercise, meaning that the majority of your movement should occur at the hip, as opposed to the knee.

Related: Single Leg Box Squat

53 single leg reach 007s small

53 single leg reach 008s small

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